Monitoring the sustainable development of tourist destinations can be done using several thematic areas, which can be addressed through the definition, operationalization and evaluation of possible hundreds of indicators. The work initially developed in this area by ASTO is based in the methodology of the World Tourism Organization, presented in the document ´Indicators of Sustainable Development for Tourism Destination`. Once a comprehensive approach to the diversity of themes on the sustainability of the destination Alentejo tourism is a complex and dynamic activity, ASTO chose to prioritize, in a first phase of analysis, the following 11 domains themed:

  Economic benefits
  Residents local satisfaction
  Energy management
  Water management
  Waste management
  Waste Water (Sewage) Management
  Climate Action
Key indicators
From the set of several indicators suggested by the methodology suggested by UNWTO and ETIS, a set of key indicators are identified, distributed among the 11 monitoring domains.